UX Writing/ Content Design Examples


  • Product managed on-boarding tour tool at Adobe.

  • Created and implemented multiple on-boarding tours for UX at various stages in the engineering lifecycle (Agile and waterfall). Worked on automating chatbots, on-boarding tours, and in-app help and populating it with content pulled from product documentation.

  • Contributed to countless UI and UX designs including button names, tool tips, and error messages throughout my entire career.

IOS App: Pin Dashboard

The team created this App to be the iOS version of the desktop tool. I worked with the UX team to improve wording after the wireframes were complete.

On this screen, users can pin or favorite a dashboard. But, it isn’t immediately clear the difference between the two (default vs. one of many favorites), so the goal was to clarify this simply.

Incorta Bookmarks and Filters

It’s hard to tell from these screens, but the name “Bookmarked Filters” was a huge win. The desktop application uses the word Bookmarks and Filters, but bookmarks are simply saved filters.

We knew new users might not understand the term bookmark. We also knew that long-time users understand what a bookmark is and might be confused by the new language. So, we compromised at “Bookmarked Filters.” That meant we could re-use the wording to “Add to Filter” on some screens, saving work for UX, product, engineering, and the user. We planned to use this as starting point to move to more intuitive naming for “Bookmarks,” like “Saved Filters,” in future iterations.

Incorta error messages and tool tips

Standardized wording for an Administrator tool (not pictured). Some highlights:

  • Changed instances of the field label “Max —” to “Maximum”

  • Changed capitalization from Title Case to Sentence case for longer field labels.

  • Changed success messages to use a subject-action-verb-adverb model to present primary label and user goal first, like “Folder XYZ imported successfully.” and “Dashboard ABC imported successfully.”

IMAGE: Error message that displayed when a user changed the authentication type for many users at a time. The previous wording was “Unable to change the authentication type for the following users.” I wasn’t able to impact the text in the grey box.

Adobe Tour Guide

Here is an example of some UX Content Strategy writing I did for a tutorial for a new user using a new Adobe product. The goal were: